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Question 1: What is my project going to cost?

Answer 1: The price range for professional landscaping ranges from 10% - 15% of your homes value. Of course, this is a rough budget and depending on the size of your project the price can range depending on components to the project such as accessibility, difficulty, and materials used.

Question 2: Does my project need to be designed?

Answer 2: Design is a great component to landscaping projects of all sizes. It helps both the home owner and our construction team to have unified thoughts throughout the full construction process. In large projects it is very important to have the level of detail a landscape design offers. However, if you are interested in just building a few simple flower beds with a decorative edger, a design is not always necessary. BUT, landscape designs are helpful for individuals that have a hard time visualizing concepts. Not only does a design create a unified plan for everyone to understand, it also helps the homeowner to view the spaces uses and appearance prior to construction.We offer 3D modeling software through Realtime Landscape Architect, helping homeowners view the final project before it even starts. Below our examples of our models we have created with Realtime.

calgary landscape design
calgary landscape design

calgary landscape design

Click images to see our design page.

Question 3: What kind of warranty is associated with your company?

Answer 3: The warranty for all construction and plant materials is for one year. We guarantee a warranty on all of our projects unless caused by third party damage or factors out of our control such as frost heaving and extreme weather conditions.

Question 4: When can my project begin? Answer 4: When getting professional landscaping done, often times people start contacting us at the beginning of spring. This timing often reduces your chances of getting your project completed by the end of May and June like most people are hoping for. We recommend contacting us months prior to your anticipated start date. This way your projects first on the list before the season has begun. Also, the design phases are complete well before the season is starting. However, if you do end up calling at the beginning of spring, we are very flexibility and have open availability throughout the summer. It is important to note that we love to accommodate as many projects as efficiently as possible throughout our landscaping season.

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